This guy comments a lot and in a funny way, not on games or movies, but on trends and directions that are currently in vogue. It is here that you can learn a lot of slang words and understand what is currently in trend.

YouTuber and performer Curtis Conner, known for his unique comedic sense of humor and timing, makes a living by uploading videos with his satirical commentary and reviewing everyday events and popular topics. He participated in the Comedy: Writing and Performance program at Humber College. He dropped out of college during his freshman year after deciding that an English degree was not for him.

In 2014, at the age of 20, Curtis posted his first two videos on YouTube and quickly gained 350 thousand subscribers on the channel. During this time, he also used the now-defunct Vine with videos of his meals and his trusty skateboard. In 2017, he focused entirely on comedy and concentrated exclusively on YouTube.

Each upload is different from the last, with a creative and fresh take on interesting and sometimes problematic corners of the internet and the world. His longer videos range from A Deep Dive Into Disney Adults, which explores the complex history of the franchise, to TikTok Mafia, which tells the story of the good, the bad, and the ugly of people pretending to be mafia members on the popular app.

Earlier this year, Curtis described his unconventional approach to content creation in an interview on the YouTube channel In the Grey: “The way my brain perceives it is how absurd the things that people say are. So, because it’s so absurd, it’s not much harder to make it funny. Absurdity is inherently funny… I just have to repackage what they’re saying in a way that’s not horrifying.”

Now 28, Curtis has an audience of millions, with content appearing on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and a podcast (with bonus content available through a Patreon subscription). He has also taken his comedy on the road with a live tour and has a merchandise store.